Ny podcastserie: Sammen om sundhed i Tingbjerg
Podcast: Madfællesskaber
Svanholmprojektet er i gang
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
The Supersetting-approach is an intervention strategy for comprehensive community interventions. The approach strives to attain synergistic effects through coordinated engagement of multiple stakeholders in multiple settings to mobilise local resources and strengthen social networks for collective community action.
Five core principles constitute the Supersetting approach. These five principles guide the development and implementation of all intervention components of TCD.
This means, that all projects and activities of TCD are developed in collaborative processes, which are based on local priorities and needs for action and the engagement of local citizens and public, private and civil institutions and organizations. Hereby, the intervention components are complex (multi-stranded), involve several population groups, and include a variety of settings used by people in everyday life in Tingbjerg.
to ensure that activities are carried out across, and in collaboration between, different settings and stakeholders
to ensure that people acquire the necessary skills to express and
act on their goals and dreams
to ensure that knowledge is used to inform the development of activities
to ensure that people are motivated
to take ownership of processes
for the development and implementation of activities
to ensure that activities always
take into account and respect the challenges and opportunities
of everyday life
"The supersetting-approach is an intervention strategy whereby coordinated activities targeting a common overall goal such as improved health in a population group are carried out in a variety of different settings and involving a variety of different stakeholders within a local community.
The supersetting-approach is more than a multi-setting approach. The supersetting-approach strives to attain synergistic effects from operations that are carried out in multiple settings either simultaneously or phased but always in a coordinated manner. Furthermore, the supersetting-approach cannot be implemented as a top-down model by for instance researchers or city planners, but demands the active participation of local stakeholders. This has the advantage of bringing several community resources into play while preventing antagonistic action by opposing forces".
Settings in health promotion
Since its inception in 1986, the Ottawa Charter has provided an important value base in health promotion work. It was in the Ottawa Charter that the concept of setting made its breakthrough.
Based on the Ottawa Charter, WHO (1998) defines a setting as ”a place or social context in which people engage in daily activities in which environmental, organizational and personal factors interact to affect health and well-being …A setting is also where people actively use and shape the environment and thus create or solve problems relating to health”.
Supersettings in health promotion
Settings are both the medium and the product of human social interaction and thus more than simply locations in time and space. The setting approach thus emphasises the individual, social and
structural dimensions of health promotion.
The supersetting-approach builds on the setting-based approach by insisting on coordinated actions in multiple settings with multiple stakeholders(see Bloch & Jensen, 2016).