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The Svanholm-Tingbjerg Farming Collaboration

To evoke the consciousness of identity and culture among the many families in Tingbjerg, who originate from rural communities in the Middle East and Northern Africa this project strengthens the rural-urban cooperation of TCD by inviting citizens to participate in farming activities of the organic production farm of Svanholm located about 40 km northwest of Tingbjerg.


In return, participants receive farming products such as vegetables, meat and eggs for their own consumption. Svanholm also provides technical expertise and farming products to some of the other TCD projects.

The project was initiated in 2019. The idea originated as a local interest in gardening and agriculture among Tingbjerg residents. Following, the project was developed in collaboration between The Social Development Plan in Tingbjerg and Utterslevhuse, Municipality of Copenhagen, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen and Svanholm Farm - an organic farming community.


The aim of the project is: 


  • To establish and develop a sustainable collaboration between a rural setting (Svanholm Farm) and Tingbjerg local community, focusing on capacity building, knowledge exchange and the creation of a flow of healthy food products into Tingbjerg.

  • To tap into and engage dormant knowledge, assets and resources of Tingbjerg in the agricultural setting at Svanholm Farm.

  • To support food literacy and strengthen the health and wellbeing of the participants through social and physical activity in the rural environment.


Hear about the Svanholm project in the podcast about the Tingbjerg-Svanholm collaboration.​​


Read more about the Svanholm-project on this website under the tab Dissemination - Popular science

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