Ny podcastserie: Sammen om sundhed i Tingbjerg
Podcast: Madfællesskaber
Svanholmprojektet er i gang
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship
More residents in Tingbjerg should have the opportunity to complete an education, get employed or start their own business. Therefore, a number of stakeholders have established a partnership which offers residents learning about social conditions, the educational system, the labor market, municipal services and entrepreneurship.
The initiative builds on good experiences from Restaurant Virketrang, The Community Garden (Fælleshaven) and Café Mors Varme Hænder, all of which rest on a value-based foundation of creating motivation and competences through an active, social and healthy life in local communities. Central partners are
The Social Development Plan in Tingbjerg and Utterslevhuse, the Copenhagen Hospitality College,
Kitchen Collective, KVINFO – Gender & Equality, KVUC – Adult & Youth Education,
Copenhagen Municipality's Job Center, and Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen.
The initiative has started with a series of introductory meetings in autumn 2022 aimed at residents,
who want to take a course, get an education, get an internship, get a job, or try entrepreneurship within the food, hospitality and kitchen area.
Through 7 meetings lasting 4 hours, the participants gained knowledge about where you can get help to deal with conditions in life that can be a barrier to getting started with an education or keeping a job. Information was also given about local offers in the district, which can strengthen the process of creating a connection to the education system or the labor market.
The meetings were pepped up by offering various visits to companies and institutions to illustrate how others have navigated this area.
The meeting on entrepreneurship was organized by Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, coordinated by project 'Perspektiv' under Copenhagen Municipality's Jobcentre, and facilitated by entrepreneur and founder of Kitchen Collective, Mia Maja Hansson Frederiksen.
The meeting provided an introduction to entrepreneurship, including which rules apply in the area, as well as which experiences can be derived from concrete projects regarding practical processes, challenges and potentials.
In 2023, interested participants will have the opportunity to proceed by attending an actual course on entrepreneurship. Here ideas are jointly created and developed, and state aid is assigned to chosen projects.