Ny podcastserie: Sammen om sundhed i Tingbjerg
Podcast: Madfællesskaber
Svanholmprojektet er i gang
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
(kort tekst)
Hvordan etableres og udvikles bæredygtigt samarbejde og partnerskaber blandt professionelle aktører i kommune og lokalsamfund? Herunder, professionelle i sundhedssektoren og socialsektoren.
Hvilke menneskelige, tekniske, materielle og økonomiske ressourcer er tilgængelige i lokalsamfundet, og hvordan kan de mobiliseres?
mobilisering og facilitering af partnerskaber
Integrated Diabetes Intervention
Integrated Diabetes Intervention in Tingbjerg (IDIT) is a holistic effort to strengthen the motivation of vulnerable citizens and the opportunity to participate in diabetes-related initiatives in the local area.
Efforts include prevention and health promotion, early and active detection, as well as professional hand-held support for participation in complication screening and treatment for diabetes.
The initiative is a partnership between key players in the housing area and the municipality. The partnership will ensure that support is provided by social housing staff and municipal health counselors to improve the meeting with citizens with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes and to strengthen the bridge building between the housing area and the health system.
You can read IDIT's mid-term evaluation here.
Meetings with citizens will take place will take place in a safe environment in the residential area and will be based on equal dialogue and joint action on the citizens' wishes and needs to live a healthier and better life. Pilot activities will qualify the effort and strengthen the partnership around IDIT, which is a multi-year project that is expected to start in 2022.
IDIT is a three-year initiative that runs until April 2025. It has been developed in collaboration between The Social Development Plan in Tingbjerg and Utterslevhuse, Center for Diabetes and Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen.
IDIT has been developed on the basis of a feasibility study which was carried out by the partners in 2020. The feasibility study was carried out as a qualitative interview-based study and a best practice literature study. The study concluded, among other things, that:
It is useful to organize and coordinate diabetes efforts in vulnerable housing areas around a formal collaboration across sectors with the involvement of municipal health stakeholders, social housing stakeholders and other public, private and civil stakeholders in the housing area.
It is useful to build a bridge between social and health-related initiatives in the housing area in order to strengthen citizens' motivation for and satisfaction with participating in the activities.
It is necessary to ensure the presence of safe and trustworthy arenas and meeting places in the residential area where vulnerable citizens feel like staying; these environments should be the focal point for both social and health-related activities, including holistic initiatives in the field of diabetes in the form of information, health dissemination, exchange of experience, teaching, conducting simple clinical examinations and recruitment for detection, screening and treatment.
It is important to listen to citizens and involve them in finding solutions to the challenges that prevent them from living healthy and well with diabetes, including involving them in the development of social and health-related initiatives that respect the challenges and potentials of everyday life.
It is important to keep in mind that vulnerable citizens, for many different reasons, may have difficulty navigating the health care system and therefore need personal support to initiate and maintain their participation in diabetes-related screening and treatment courses. Similarly, vulnerable citizens may need personal support to initiate and maintain their participation in ordinary social activities in their own residential area.
Read more in IDIT's initiative description here.
IDIT consists of three intervention components: 1) Prevention and health promotion, 2) Early and active detection of diabetes and 3) Complication screening and treatment. These components are interconnected through recruitment, referral and follow-up, and anchored in a safe environment, professional support and social networks.